RimuHosting's REST-ful Resources Reference

Path: / r / orders / order-{order-oid}-{domain} / vps / data-transfer-usage

VPS data transfer usage.  (Also happens to include a few other VPS stats).  The data transfer usage currently takes a few seconds longer than the regular VPS status.  So we split this data out so you only take the response time hit when you actually need the information.

Path parameters:
order-oid ([0-9]+) - The id of the order and a domain name.  The domain name is not used in the lookup (we rely solely on the order oid) but the name makes the uri more user-friendly.  The order oid is immuatable.  It won't change.  Even if you rename the server.  So it makes a good id.
domain ([^;/]*) - This parameter is ignored.  But having it makes the urls a little more recognizable.  Typically the VPS domain name is inserted here.

Resource Methods
Method Summary
GET /r/orders/order-{order-oid}-{domain}/vps/data-transfer-usageVPS data transfer usage.  (Also happens to include a few other VPS stats).  The data transfer usage currently takes a few seconds longer than the regular VPS status.  So we split this data out so you only take the response time hit when you actually need the information.

Method Detail

GET /r/orders/order-{order-oid}-{domain}/vps/data-transfer-usage

VPS data transfer usage.  (Also happens to include a few other VPS stats).  The data transfer usage currently takes a few seconds longer than the regular VPS status.  So we split this data out so you only take the response time hit when you actually need the information.

HTTP Example:
GET /r/orders/order-{order-oid}-{domain}/vps/data-transfer-usage
API Example:

JAXRSVPS.getStatsWithBandwith({'order-oid': /* order_oid The id of the order and a domain name.  The domain name is not used in the lookup (we rely solely on the order oid) but the name makes the uri more user-friendly.  The order oid is immuatable.  It won't change.  Even if you rename the server.  So it makes a good id. */,
  'domain': /* domain This parameter is ignored.  But having it makes the urls a little more recognizable.  Typically the VPS domain name is inserted here. */});
